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As much as I love judging, I'm glad that I was able to spend my time at the Lafayette, Indiana NYE show hanging out with wonderful friends. We had solid numbers for Tans and I closed out the year with a BOB win with Flynn's Shameless (black junior buck) and BOS with Flynn's Nightingale (black junior doe). I also showed a blue for the furst time in a few years and had BOV.

Yes, I am posting this update about a month late. :) January has been a month of hiberating from rabbit shows and spending time in the barn instead. I have a few shows tenatively planned for February and March that I will play by ear. For the most part things should be pretty quiet here until the National Tan Show in April.

Have a safe and pleasant winter and I hope to see everyone this spring!

A few weeks ago I judged the MSU Fall Show in Lansing, Michigan. It is one of my absolute favorite shows of the year both as an exhibitor and a judge. I was able to catch Tan judging for Show A. Corey Hayes did an amazing job sorting through decent sized classes of nationally competative quality rabbits. It is always wonderful to have good numbers and nice quality animals to compete against at shows.

I had Best of Breed in both shows with two different black does -- Flynn's Nightingale and Flynn's Iconic. Above you will find a short video of BOB judging in Show A. The first rabbit featured is Flynn's Nightingale and the second rabbit is Flynn's Shameless, a black junior buck who was BOS. Nightingale was 4th at Convention and Shameless was 2nd, so these are two of my better animals from my national show string. I was absolutely thrilled that they were so appreciated by the judge.

A big thank you to Katie Peltier and others for being so kind as to show my animals for me in Show B. It's wonderful that we have such kind exhibitors in our area. Tan breeders really can be such a wonderful group!

[Flynn's Style - Black Senior Doe. She was tired post-show, so this is as good as it gets for now!]

Apparently a lot of people were itching for a show after Convention because the showroom was PACKED. I was thrilled that we had seven exhibitors in Tans and excellent numbers in the chocolates and blacks. It was a long day and I was drop dead tired by the end, but sticking around was well worth it! Style, a pretty black doe won Best of Breed under Bruce Ormsby. This was her first show as a senior. She went on to win Reserve Best in Show under Josh Humphries, Sandy Doyle and Dave Hauser.

Below are the full show results for every Tan I showed:


RIS/BOB - Flynn's Style - Sr. Doe

BOS and 1st Place Black Junior Buck - Flynn's Shameless

2nd Place Black Junior Buck - Flynn's Budapest

1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Place Black Junior Does with Flynn's Wanderlust, Flynn's Nightingale, Flynn's Iconic and Flynn's Fire N Gold

I love showing in Indiana because we have such a great group of cooperative, friendly breeders. I wrote until black senior does and then switched out with another breeder since we was done so I could show my animals. All of the breeders helped hold animals in the lovely open top coops. It's wonderful to have a drama free, fun experience at our shows!

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