Updated: Oct 16, 2022

The ISRBA Convention in June 2021 was the first show I have attended as an exhibitor since the 2019 ARBA Convention and the first local show I have attended since 2017. During this break from showing I have been actively breeding and working on my herd. The show break was partially an opportunity to recalibrate, but also a necessity during the height of COVID.
On Sunday, I had BOB and BOS with a pair of black juniors. Flynn's Friday I'm in Love (black junior doe) was the unofficial runner up for Best 4 Class. She is pictured above next to Naragon/McKinney's Jiu Nutsu. Congratulations to Katie Boyce on her wins on Saturday.
As some may know, as I have recently moved and am building a new barn, the rabbits have temporarily been staying with LeAnn McKinney at her barn. LeAnn is an amazing friend both in and outside of rabbits. All the credit goes to her for conditioning my animals while they are with her. She has also went above and beyond in working with the juniors to help them gain table confidence. I am looking forward to the barn completion this month and the return of the rabbits to living with me full time soon. Sometime in 2022 we hope to get back to showing more normally.
Updated: Aug 11, 2022
Thankfully I had a lot of success with fall/winter litters and in turn, I will have blacks and chocolates (bucks and does) available on a rolling basis beginning now. I will not have blues or lilacs available.
If you are interested, send me an email and let me know what you are looking for. Please note that I am located in the Indianapolis metro area and rabbits will need to be picked up locally.

I hope that everyone had a wonderful holiday season and that 2021 is already shaping up to be great!

If you are interested in animals, shoot me a message using the contact form linked to in the navigation bar. I have had a lot of litters born lately and will definitely have rabbits available between now and the National Tan Show in April. All will be local (Indianapolis metro) pickup only as I do not have any shows planned.
For those going to Nationals, now is definitely not too early to contact me about rabbits. I would love to chat with you about your needs. Please understand that I will not have a sense of what rabbits will be available until much closer to the show though.