[Pictured: Flynn's August - Black Junior Doe]
While Convention is not happening, our Convention breedings certainly did happen this year! Instead of offering rabbits on a first come, first serve basis at the show, we are doing things a bit different this year and are putting together a list of available rabbits. We will offer rabbits for sale for local pickup only (Indianapolis, Indiana metro area).
Within the next week I will have the final list of available animals. The list will be sent out to everyone who has emailed me recently about stock, as well as past buyers. Animals will still be sold on a modified first come, first serve basis (meaning, I will do my best to prioritize those who have been waiting the longest).
The above picture is a sneak peak of one of the available rabbits. Please note that it is unlikely that I will have pictured taken of all animals --as always, please come see the rabbits in person and get your hands on them first to make your decision.

After a social media hiatus, I am dipping my toes back in by reactivating my rabbitry page on Facebook. If you would like to follow my page, please take a moment to "like" it to receive updates. Strangely enough, there are a few other accounts using our rabbitry name, but the link above is to the only account associated with our rabbitry. As with my newsletter, I promise to not spam or overwhelm you with information. I am still not using a personal Facebook account, but hope this small step is helpful in making information more accessible.

This spring I had planned on going to local shows again. Aside from the ARBA Convention, I really have not shown rabbits for a few years. I needed the break to do other things -- travel, work, finish grad school and start new hobbies.
During my break from showing I was able to stay engaged with my close friends in the hobby. This time away from shows (and Facebook) really proved that they are real life friends and not friends merely because we share a mutual hobby. The time has also afforded me the opportunity to work on improving my herd without outside influences. As someone who feels there is always something new to learn from others, this was initially tough, but I feel it has been an opportunity for me to grow as a breeder in a new way. I am sure it goes without saying that given the COVID-19 situation, I have no plans to show rabbits for the foreseeable future. Things are tough right now. I am getting a lot of emails from folks who are confused - they want to be proactive in moving their herd forward, but they do not know what the next few days and weeks are going to look like. As of right now, we are social distancing in my household and accordingly, have no plans to offer animals for sale anytime soon. Once life gets back to normal, I am looking forward to seeing (and meeting) so many of you at shows. A few weeks ago I went to the Indiana State Convention to visit friends and while it was great to see old friends, I was also amazed by how many new breeders there were.