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This year I am continuing the tradition of giving away a pair of Tans to a youth breeder at the ARBA National Convention. You do not need to be in attendance at Convention, but you must have transportation for the animals from the show. More information is located here. I would appreciate it if you can share this post so that it reaches more youth. Thank you!

[Flynn's Shameless being judged at OSRBA Mini Convention]

The last two shows I have attended were two of the biggest of the entire year: The National Tan Show (April 17th) and the Ohio Mini Convention (April 30th and May 1st). At the Ohio Mini Convention I retired several of my favorite animals. In particular it was nice that Shameless ended his show career on such a high note, with double BOB wins.

Shameless is a very special buck to me. He was the 2nd Place Black Junior Buck at the 2015 ARBA National Convention in Portland (1st place was Flynn's Budapest) and 1st Place Black Senior Buck at the 2016 National Tan Show. He has had numerous BOB/BOS wins. Each time he was BOS it was to Flynn's Nightingale, one of the best black does I've ever raised. Nightingale has also been retired and is (hopefully) expecting ARBA Convention juniors.

Below are the results from the last two big shows:

Tan Specialty @ Ohio Mini Convention

Judge: Joel Marshall

Best of Breed - Flynn's Shameless (Black Senior Buck)

Best Opposite - Flynn's Iconic (Black Senior Doe)

1st Place Black Junior Buck

Best Display

All Breed Show @ Ohio Mini Convention

Judge: Wade Burkhalter

Best of Breed - Flynn's Shameless (Black Senior Buck)

Best Opposite - Flynn's Hilary (Black Senior Doe)

1st Place Black Junior Buck

1st Place Black Junior Doe

Best Chocolate - Flynn's Gold Digger

Best Blue - Flynn's Dissident

Best Display of Breed

2016 National Tan Show - Canton, Ohio*

Judge: Rusty Westoff

Best Blue - Flynn's Dissident - Black Junior Buck

1st Place Black Senior Buck - Flynn's Shameless

*I have not received the full show results, so I have only listed my class wins. I will update this with more placings once I receive my show report.

[Flynn's Stardust - Florida White Senior Doe]

This weekend was my first show since NYE. As I was judging I only entered three rabbits. Flynn's Stardust had double Best of Breed wins and was Reserve in Show in Show A. I also had BOB and BOS wins in Tans with Flynn's Hilary (Black Senior Doe) and Flynn's Firewater (Black Junior Buck).

In posting this I realize this is the first time I have mentioned Florida Whites on my website. I have had a small herd of Florida Whites since the 2014 ARBA Convention in Fort Worth, Texas. This show was maybe the third time I've shown them. I mostly appreciate just working with these great animals. It's honestly more satisfactory than any show win. I owe a lot of thanks to Donald Sheets for my first animals, as well as Ashley Garza and Amanda/Rob Wampner for the other animals that helped me get started.

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