Reserve Best in Show - Noblesville, IN - 11/8/2015

[Flynn's Style - Black Senior Doe. She was tired post-show, so this is as good as it gets for now!]
Apparently a lot of people were itching for a show after Convention because the showroom was PACKED. I was thrilled that we had seven exhibitors in Tans and excellent numbers in the chocolates and blacks. It was a long day and I was drop dead tired by the end, but sticking around was well worth it! Style, a pretty black doe won Best of Breed under Bruce Ormsby. This was her first show as a senior. She went on to win Reserve Best in Show under Josh Humphries, Sandy Doyle and Dave Hauser.
Below are the full show results for every Tan I showed:
RIS/BOB - Flynn's Style - Sr. Doe
BOS and 1st Place Black Junior Buck - Flynn's Shameless
2nd Place Black Junior Buck - Flynn's Budapest
1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Place Black Junior Does with Flynn's Wanderlust, Flynn's Nightingale, Flynn's Iconic and Flynn's Fire N Gold
I love showing in Indiana because we have such a great group of cooperative, friendly breeders. I wrote until black senior does and then switched out with another breeder since we was done so I could show my animals. All of the breeders helped hold animals in the lovely open top coops. It's wonderful to have a drama free, fun experience at our shows!